Clinical Challenges in Colorectal Surgery: Parastomal Hernias

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Clinical Challenges in Colorectal Surgery: Parastomal Hernias
Feb. 06, 202532:59
You are planning to perform an APR on a patient with rectal cancer. How will you create your permanent stoma? Is there a role for prophylactic mesh? Post operatively at one year surveillance they have developed a parastomal hernia, when do you fix it and how? Join Drs. Abelson, Marcello and Aulet and special guest Dr. Paul Sturrock as they discuss key management considerations.
Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the different types of parastomal hernia repairs 2. List indications for repair of parastomal hernias 3. Discuss the approach to managing parastomal hernias Articles: Steele S, et al. The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery, fourth ed. 2022. J C Goligher, Extraperitoneal colostomy or ileostomy, British Journal of Surgery, Volume 46, Issue 196, September 1958, Pages 97–103, Please visit to access other high-yield surgical education podcasts, videos and more.
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